3rd South East Essex Boys Brigade

Arts and crafts, activities devotional time and Games each week. We run camps for boys Aged 8+, 3 or more times a year


We run during term times every Wednesday:

Anchor Boys 5 – 8 Years (Reception – Year 3) 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM Wednesday

Junior Boys 8 – 11 Years (Year 4 – Year 6) 6:45 PM – 8 PM Wednesday

Company Section/Seniors 11+ (Year 7+) 8 PM – 9:30 PM Wednesday

1st shoeburyness girls brigade

Girls’ Brigade is a voluntary, international, Christian youth organisation. It is interdenominational.

We seek to empower girls to be themselves, to develop and use their gifts and skills, explore the Christian faith, make friends for life and serve in their communities and further afield. This all takes place in an atmosphere of fun and friendship, where the girls can learn to care for
themselves, their friends and those around them.

We would love you to join us on a Wednesday evening – the weekly subscription is just £1.

Explorer Girls 5 - 8 Years 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Wednesday

Junior Girls 8 - 11 Years 6:45 PM - 8 PM Wednesday

Senior Girls 11 - 14 Years 6:45 PM - 8 PM Wednesday

Brigaders 14 - 18 Years 6:45 PM - 8 PM Wednesday